Featured Song:
"The Neverending Highway"
As 2024 was coming to an end, I was contemplating how I got to this point in my life and where I might be going. Suddenly, a surge of overwhelming gratitude filled my entire Being and this song was born. It begins with who I thought I was over 30 years ago and ends with Who I Truly Am today. Looking back, I now understand that everything that I have experienced in the past was part of "God's perfect plan unfolding flawlessly" (my favorite affirmation).
Looking ahead to the future, the thought of making New Years Resolutions crossed my mind. For me, I find it far more beneficial and joyful to thank God on a daily basis for helping me get out of my own way, allowing this magnificent adventure called life to flow through me, unfolding in amazing ways. This is often referred to as "living in the Mystery" (listen for it in this song).
I hope you had a Wonderful holiday season, in whatever way you celebrated, and may your new year be the most Wonderful and Joyful EVER!!!
The Neverending Highway
Heading down that neverending highway
Seems like once again I’ve gone astray
Trying hard to make this life work my way
Trying to find a place where I’m OK
Sometimes I feel so lonely and forgotten
Sometimes the pain is more than I can bare
So I’ll stop along the way
Close my eyes and pray
That I can make it through just one more day
Heading down that neverending highway
Allowing life to be what it will be
Letting go of needing things done my way
Fear just slips away to set me free​
Sometimes I feel so lonely and forgotten
Sometimes the joy’s so deep it makes me cry
So I’ll stop along the way
Close my eyes and pray
That I can make it back for another day
I used to waste my life chasing illusions
Running round the circles in my mind
Now that I can see
The path in front of me
I know it’s time to leave the past behind
Enjoying all the Mystery I can find
Heading down that neverending highway
Living in the moment, I am free
No longer needing things to work out my way
Filled with Love to share with all I see
No longer feeling lonely or forgotten
With Love so deep it often makes me cry
So I’ll stop along the way
Close my eyes and pray
Thank God that we here
For another day
Thank God that we are ONE,
It’s a brand new day!
Music and lyrics by Robert Mutter
Copyright © 2024